miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010

Summary 4 Cycles of life

In this topic we will learn three water cycles.
In the water cycle first occurrs the evaporation were the heat from the sun and is absorbed by the ocean, lakes etc. This heat makes the water evaporate. Next the condensation that is when the moist air rises higher and higher, it cools and it changes from vapor to tiny ice crystals. Then the precipitation when eventually the droplets or ice crystals become so longer and heavy that they can't stay in the air and they fall as precipitation rain, snow and others.
The worms, crickets, cockroaches, bacteria and fungi are the organism can break down dead wood.
In the carbon cycle the photosyntesis recive co2, the car exhaust carbon dioxide, the decaying matter give co2 like the animals and also recive oxygen.  The plants give oxygen.
In the nitrogen cycle begins with the decomposers, continue with the ammonia, nitrites, nitrates then the nitrites and ammonia in the roots of a three. Finally it go up to the air.
Many materials are recycle. one of the material mostly thrown in the garbage is the paper.

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