In this topic we will learn three water cycles.
In the water cycle first occurrs the evaporation were the heat from the sun and is absorbed by the ocean, lakes etc. This heat makes the water evaporate. Next the condensation that is when the moist air rises higher and higher, it cools and it changes from vapor to tiny ice crystals. Then the precipitation when eventually the droplets or ice crystals become so longer and heavy that they can't stay in the air and they fall as precipitation rain, snow and others.
The worms, crickets, cockroaches, bacteria and fungi are the organism can break down dead wood.
In the carbon cycle the photosyntesis recive co2, the car exhaust carbon dioxide, the decaying matter give co2 like the animals and also recive oxygen. The plants give oxygen.
In the nitrogen cycle begins with the decomposers, continue with the ammonia, nitrites, nitrates then the nitrites and ammonia in the roots of a three. Finally it go up to the air.
Many materials are recycle. one of the material mostly thrown in the garbage is the paper.
The changes in a population can affect several other population in the same ecosystem. Every population needs energy in order to survive.
A food chain shows one population that eats or is eaten by another population. A food web shows how one population can be part of more than one food chain. Both have producers that includes grasses, trees, and all the organisms uses Sun's energy to make their own food. In the ocean main producers are the algae. The organism that can't make their own food are called consumers. The consumers get energy from the food made by others oraganisms. Plants capture energy from the sunlight. When you eat a plant you capture some energy. The producers get enrgy from the Sun. Consumers get it from the food they eat.
An energy pyramid shows that less food and energy is available as you go from the base to the top of the pyramid.
People is affected by red tide. A person who eats poisoned shellfish can become very sick. The poisons produced by fire algae seem to onlyaffect the nervous systems of complex animals like fish, birds, and mammals
Food Web

The environment is compose by many living and nonliving things. In an ecosystem all the living and nonliving things interact with each other. The nonliving parts of an ecosystem are called abiotic factors. Some examples of abiotic factors are the light, water, soil, temperature, air, and minerals. Also the living things part of an ecosystem are name biotic. Some examples of them are the plants, animals, fungi, protist, and bacteria.
Many kinds of animals and plants live in a prairie. A prairie is a region of tall grasses. It may be flat or hilly grassland.
Birds like longspurs and horned larks, as 300 others kind of birds, still live in Blackland Prairie. Raaccoons, opossums, coyote, red bats, bobcats, mountain lions, gray wolves, and black bears live there too.
The place where an organism lives is called its habitat. A species niche includes many factors.
Most of the Blackland prairie has been changed into cropland.
In this summary we will talk about the energy resources.
The people use the energy in many places in the homes,schools, and businesses. That places get heat by burning oil or natural gas. Energy in other homes and businesses come from electricity. Energy also run in common devices such as cumputers, tv's, radios, lights, flashlights, and washers. Some of the things burned to release energy are the coal, oil, and natural gases and others.
All the fuels have advantage and disadvantage. The advantage of using fossil fossil fuels is that they contain a lot of energy.
Fossil fuels are the remain of once living things. Natural gas and oil formed from the remains of tiny ocean plants and animals. There their bodies were buried by layers of sand and mud. Over millions of years, the plant and animal remains changed into oil natural gas.
Somes examples of alternative enrgy source are the modern waterwheels, harnessing the wind, and Earth´s furnance. Earth´s internal heat is called geothermal energy.
We can use solar energy for many things.