domingo, 29 de agosto de 2010

Physical change

Physical change is a concept introduced to contrast with the concept of chemical change. A physical change is any change not involving a change in the substance's chemical identity. 
Matter undergoes chemical change when the composition of the substances changes: one or more substances combine or break up (as in a relationship) to form new substances. Physical changes occur when objects undergo a change that does not change their chemical nature. A physical change involves a change in physical properties. Physical properties can be observed without changing the composition of matter. Examples of physical properties include: texture, shape, size, color, volume, mass, weight, and density.

jueves, 19 de agosto de 2010

Vocabulary 5

mass: the amount amount of matter in an object.

volume: the amount of space an object takes up.

weight:(on Earth) a measure of the force of gravity between Earth and an object.

density: a measure of how  tightly packed matter is; the amount of mass contained in a given volume.

buoyancy: the upward push on an object by the liquid (or gas) the object is placed in.

conduct: allow heat or electricity to flow through readily.

insulate: not allow heat or electricity to flow through readily.

domingo, 15 de agosto de 2010


 In this album we will talk about what is invisible light?, the different types of invisible light, their examples and pictures of this form of energy that is the invisible light.

What is invisible light?
The invisible light is the light that we cannot see. Althought we cannot see wavelenghts longer than red or shorter violet.

Radio Waves
 The radio waves are the longest waves of the electromagnetic spectrum. You do not see them and you do not hear them.Broadcast stations use them to carry signal in a kind of code AM or FM.


Microwaves are shortwave radio waves. Water in foods absorbs microwaves very readly. As the water molecules move faster, the foods gets hotter. Microwave energy is produced with klystron and magnetron tubes.Low intensity
microwave radiation is used in Wi-Fi, althought this is at intensity levels unable to cause thermal heating.

Infrared light

The infrared means "just beyond red".
Infrared waves are next to visible red waves are next to visible red waves in the spectrum. All objects give off infared waves, depending of the temperature.Warmer objects give off more infrared waves.

Ultraviolet light 

Ultraviolet (UV) light is made up of waves just shorter than visible violet light on the spectrum. UV can break chemical bonds, making molecules unusually reactive them in general changing their mutual behavior. UV light causes chemical changes. It can produce vitamin D in your body. Hospitals use ultraviolet light to kill harmful bacteria in equipment used in operating room. Also the UV light can cause some forms of cancer in the skin.


X rays
The shortest wavelenghts of the spectrum. X rays can pass right throught most objects. Hard X rays have shoter wavelenghts than soft X rays.Thicker or denser objects tend absorb X rays.

Gamma Rays
Gammas rays are the most energetic photons, havin no defindened lower limit to their wavelenght. They are useful to astronomers in the study of high energy objects. Gamma rays are also are used also used for the irradiation.

Blu ray
Blu ray, also known as Blu ray disc or BD is an optical disc format new generation of 12 cm in diameter (like the CD and DVD) for high definition video and high data storage density. Their storage capacity reaches a layer 25 GB and 50 GB dual-layer, although there are a greater capacity.

In conclusion all these forms of electromagnetic energy as X-rays, ultraviolet light, infrared light and even if you can not know and use their effects.

sábado, 14 de agosto de 2010

Vocabulary 3

Prism: a cut piece of clear glass (or plastic) with two opposite sides in the shape of a triangle or other geometric shape.

Spectrum: a band of colors produced when light goes through a prism.

primary colors: red, green,or blue; mixing these colors can produce all the colors of the spectrum.

primary pigment: magneta, cyan,yellow; material with any of these colors absorbs one primary color of light and reflects the other two.

jueves, 5 de agosto de 2010

Vocabulary 1

bioluminescene: light produced by living organisms.

light ray: a straight-line beam of light as it travels outward from its source.

Law of Reflection: the angle of an incoming light ray equals the angle of the reflected ray.
concave mirror: a mirror that curves in on the shiny side.

convex mirror: a mirror that curves out on the shiny side.